The Regina Hotel Association is committed to advocating for its members by engaging with all levels of government to champion the interests of the hotel sector and its contribution to the economy. Here’s how we approach advocacy:


We create strong connections with elected officials, government staff, industry allies, and other stakeholders to ensure our voice is heard and respected. We work to influence policymakers to provide leadership, enact meaningful changes, and allocate resources to support the hotel industry.


We identify key local issues that directly impact our members and focus our advocacy efforts on those areas to maximize impact. We provide ancillary support to Hospitality Saskatchewan and the Hotel Association of Canada to lead advocacy efforts on both a provincial and national level.


We gather data and evidence to support our positions and proposals, ensuring that our advocacy efforts are well-informed and persuasive.

We also prioritize important issues such as environmental sustainability, the growth of Regina’s event industry, fair rules & regulations surrounding the home sharing industry, and human trafficking prevention.